This research has been possible thanks to the committed support and essential contribution of the and Integration, and especially and . The work of this ministry is a master key that moves the gears of this synergistic action. Certainly, the notable task carried out by this Israeli institution for this work and for others that are in full development is very significant.
The commitment and work of the ” was also central, led by its
president , a Daniel Weinstein and its director ejecutivo , who committedly have been truly essential for this investigation.
Brilliant academics, such as the prominent Professor of , have enthusiastically joined this endeavor.
Esta investigació n ha sido posible gracias a l apoyo comprometido y e l aporte esencial del ,y muy en especial de y de . El trabajo de este ministerio es una llave maestra que mueve el engranaje de esta acció n siné rgica. Ciertamente es muy signif icativa la notable tarea que realiza esta institució n israel para este trabajo y para otros que estan en pleno desarrollo.
Fue tambié n central el compromiso y trabajo de la ONG “ ”, liderada por su presidente , a y s su director ejecutivo, quienes comprometidamente han sido real mente escenciales para esta investigació n
A esta iniciativa se han sumado entusiastamente brillantes académicos, como el destacado profesor de la .
The narrative of hatred and de legitimize against Jews and Israel has become sadly in many cases a significant part of the mainstream narrative of the Chilean Palestinian community. Repeatedly the Jew hated speech of some of the Palestinian local leaders could be categorized in the different ways that the IHRA established in the worldwide antisemitism definition.
Some expressions of hate, often definitely lies and frequent many inaccurate issues are in general terms present in many occasions when some of the Chilean Palestinian leaders express themselves. It should be noted that even one of the most active anti-Israeli organizations, the United Nations, has recognized the significance of the IHRA definition regarding anti-Semitism. “Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities”( IHRA).
This paper explores the increasingly unpleasant, potentially dangerous and even in some specific occasions this behavior could provoke an outcome of a risky situation. This could happen even unintentionally but the truth is that wards generate reality. That complex scenario is unfortunately and sadly a direct result of the hate Jews speech from some of the Palestinian Chilean leaders. This sad reality has become frequently more and more extreme, even in some cases violent and definitely increasingly perceived like a normal one, and even worse, it seems that sometimes, in all and each one of the anti semitic descriptions of the IHRA definition.
The UN joined this cause by acknowledging: “The Special Rapporteur recognizes that the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism can provide valuable guidance for identifying antisemitism in its various forms. It is therefore urged that States adopt it for education, awareness-raising, monitoring, and tackling antisemitism. ” ( UN, 2020)
There is a wide and deep under stable preoccupation regarding some hate speech from some of the Palestinian Chilean leaders and unfortunately this behavior has been becoming more and more “normal”. The red lines and the traditional limits and frontiers have been systematically removed and erased and today is nor a surprise at all to listen, watch or read a clear inadequate , unpleasant and in many times a clear antiemetics expression.
Abstract en español
La narrativa de odio y deslegitimació n contra los judíos e Israel se ha convertido, lamentablemente, en muchos casos, en una parte importante de la narrativa dominante de la comunidad palestina chilena Repetidamente, el discurso de odio judío de algunos de los líderes locales palestinos podr ía categorizarse en las diferentes formas que la IHRA estableció en la def inició n mundial de antisemitismo. Algunas expresiones de odio, muchas veces mentiras rotundas y f recuentes muchas inexactitudes está n presentes en té rminos generales en muchas ocasiones cuando algunos de los líderes palestinos chilenos se expresan. Cabe seña lar que incluso una de las organizaciones antiisraelíes más activas, las Naciones Unidas, ha reconocido la importancia de la def inició n de la IHRA con respecto al antisemitismo. “ El antisemitismo es una cierta percepció n de los judíos, que puede expresarse como odio hacia los judíos. Las manifestaciones retó ricas y físicas del antisemitismo está n dirigidas hacia individuos judíos o no judíos y/o sus propied ades, hacia instituciones de la comunidad judía y establecimientos religiosos” (IHRA). Este artículo explora lo cada vez más desagrada ble, potencial mente peligroso e incluso en algunas ocasiones específicas de este comportamiento. podr ía provocar e l desenlace de una situació n de riesgo. Esto puede pasar incluso sin quererlo pero la verdad es que los barrios generan realidad. Ese
escenario complejo es lamentable y tristemente resultado directo de l discurso de odio a los judíos de algunos de los líderes palestinos chilenos. Esta triste real idadha con frecuencia cada vez más extrema, incluso en algunos casos violenta y def initivamente cada vez m ás percibida como normal, y peor aú n, parece que a veces, en todas y cada una de las descripciones antisemitas de la def inición IHRA,
La ONU se unió a esta causa reconociendo: “El Relator Especial reconoce que la Definición de trabajo de antisemitismo de la IHRA puede proporcionar una guía valiosa para identif icar e l antisemitismo en sus diversas formas. Por lo tanto, se insta a los Estados a adoptarla para la educación, la concientización, el monitoreo y la combatir el antisemitismo”. (ONU, 2020) Existe una preocupació n amplia y profunda bajo estabi lidad respecto a a lg ú n d iscurso de odio de algunos de los líderes palestinos chilenos y lamentablemente este comportamiento se ha ido volviendo cada vez más “ normal” . Las líneas rojas y los límites y fronteras tradicionales han sido sistemáticamente removidos y borrados y hoy no sorprende en a bsoluto escuchar, ver o leer una expresió n claramente inadecuada, desagrada ble y en muchas ocasiones claramente antisemita
Thesis, some of the Chilean Palestinian leaders have developed an increasingly narrative of hatred against Jews and Israel . Sadly the Chilean situation regarding the Jews hate speech is becoming really dramatic, and one of the most difficult challenges to face is the increasing crossing lines by the Palestinian Chilean leadership.
Those words that a short time before were a red line “acceptable and welcome speech” indeed, those red lines have been erased by those leaders who are supposed to be responsible, reflexive and who indeed could have the possibility to make the difference. This situation has been denounced and strongly condemned by local Jewish leaders and even for international organizations.
The reality on the ground is so hard that it is becoming almost natural or not noticed when one of the different Palestinian organization make a press release or one of the leaders of the many Palestinian organizations express them self with inappropriate words, for example characterizing Jews as evil persons or when all kind of stereotypes or in other clearly in an antisemitic way. That usually is perceived as another one of numerous inadequate speeches but probably will not be taken as something significant. Sadly, that behavior becomes not relevant or even worthy of the essential thing denouncing. That is painful because history shows that the vast and dramatic Jews persecutions generally started with baby steps. When socially accepted, they turned into something more aggressive or painful.
This paper is trying to show the dramatic, perseverant, consistent, and constant hate speech of some of the Palestinian leaders in Chile. This unacceptable behavior is dramatically essential for the Jewish community. Still, it is also an apparent worry for all the Chilean minorities because “what starts with Jews never ends with only news” .
“The first record of a Palestinian that lived in Chile dates from 1884. There may have been Palestinians before that time, but they were not recorded on paper. The first Palestinians arrived with Ottoman travel documents, as Palestine was part of the Ottoman empire. They were not always welcomed. They called them Turks and that was considered an insult. These first Palestinians started with little capital. Most of them came to trade products from the Holy Land and sold from home to home. After making some
money they managed to establish themselves more. They opened shops and they specialized in the production of textiles.The first Palestinians were escaping from the hard economic situation in Palestine. They suffered from the Ottoman tax system and compulsory army service. As many Europeans went to the Americas to look for a better life, they also wanted to try their luck. And the climate in Chile was similar to what the Palestinians were used to” (Victor Toledo, The Unjustified Anti-Judaism of the Palestinians in Chile, July 25, 2014) .
The data obtained from Chile and Palestine suggests that there was only one significant immigration wave from Palestine to Chile – from the end of the nineteenth century until the First World War. This immigration was enabled by favorable global conditions such as available and reliable transportation, rather than being provoked by the exceptional hardship alleged to have occurred during those years.
Palestinian immigration was chain migration: family members followed those who had immigrated earlier. Nonetheless, these were relatively short chains, which included only a handful of links. Those who arrived from Bethlehem and Bayt-Jala tended to marry Palestinian partners. These partners probably also stemmed from the same towns. Palestinians who arrived from other places often found local partners.
There are those who argue and repeat that in Chile live the highest number of Palestinians in Latin America. The number of Palestinians in Chile is estimated at around 500.000 people and they add in order to justify their numbers that the fourth generation of Palestinians is now growing up in Chile” (BBC News, 2021) .
Michael Herlish, the professor of the university Bar Ilan explains something completely different “Agar and Saffie have already demonstrated that the number of Palestinians in Chile is far fewer than the 350, 000 suggested by Baeza, not to mention the 500, 000 indicated by less credible sources. Yet, Agar and Saffie dealt with descendants, which is merely a technical term indicating someone with at least one Arab great-grandparent. It seems very difficult to determine to what extent such people identify themselves with their Arab or Palestinian origins. Therefore, the number of those who consider themselves Chileans of Palestinian origin is lower than 50,000, but how large precisely can only be speculated” (Michal Herlish, Journal of migration History, 2019).
An important issue as Toledo Salman stated (2014), “The huge majority of the Chilean Community belong to the Christian faith”
He explained “The large majority of Palestinians in Chile are, and were, Christians from the West Bank (mainly Bethlehem and Beit-jala). Therefore, we have little and nothing in common with the Muslims of Gaza.
The Palestinian diaspora to the world (and Chile especially) was not motivated by Israeli immigration. The Jews did not kick out our great grandparents. Palestine in the year 1910 was a poor and decadent region. The 400 years of Turkish rule did nothing more than tax its population and abuse the land and vegetation until it was useless. To the Turks, Palestine was nothing more than “Southern Syria,” a land of little consequence except for the spiritual value of Jerusalem itself.
The Palestinians in Chile -almost all of them- went out into the world looking for better opportunities than those offered by the decadent Turkish empire. For this reason, they arrived in Chile as “Turks” . Pre Jewish immigration ( 1880 – 1948) and definitely long before the establishment of the state of Israel” (Victor Toledo, The Unjustified Anti- Judaism of the Palestinians in Chile, July 2 5 , 2 014)
Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor. In the same way the following expression by some of Palestinian leaders refers in this case to the Israeli ambassador in Chile “and that it seems strange to him that someone wants to represent a racist state” (Mauricio Abu Ghosh, twitter, 2022).
Mr. Mauricio Abu Ghosh, President of the Palestinian Federation, has repeatedly reiterated his denial of the right to the existence of the State of Israel. An example of this is the “retweet” he made and he says: ” sorry, but Israel has no right to exist ( . . .) ” . ( Mauricio Abu Ghosh, twitter, 5 september 2022)
Expressions of hate and many not accurate issues are the general way how some of the Chilean Palestinian leaders express themselves. Everyday we witness antisemitism speeches all around the world, especially in Chile where many hate speeches are made, another example of that occurred on the radio, being a channel that reaches thousands of people “Thousands of Palestinians who live under Israeli military occupation, maybe the most violent of the occupations that know contemporary history, of those who no longer exist” (Anuar Majluf, Bio Bio, 2017) .
The dramatic deterioration in the relationship between both communities had generated a lack of care regarding the Jewish community’s sentiments and fears. Some of the Palestinian leaders usually accuse Israel of being an apartheid state.
The vice presidents of the Palestinian Federation of Chile, Nadia Garib and Daniel Jadue, and from the president of the Palestinian Club, Gaber Zerene, who expressed their concern over what they denounced as the system of “apartheid” suffered by the Palestinian people (2019).
Among others inaccurate accusations and baseless disqualification they complain about the travel restrictions and other security decisions. Less than half of the Christians in Gaza who asked Israel for permission to visit cities like Bethlehem and Jerusalem at Christmas had received a “yes.”
The truth is Israel is making all the possible efforts in order to avoid terrorist attacks including entry restrictions. On the other hand all Israeli citizens need a special permit if they want to cross the limit and go inside the Palestine area. Why? Because many Israelis have been murdered in those places. There is no particular measure to prevent Arabs and not Jews from crossing into the Palestinian control land.
Justifying the terrorist palestinian organization and potentially putting in danger the Jewish Chilean community, the president of the Chilean palestinian community, Maurice Khamis affirmed that he “absolutely” supports Hamas. This issue is extremely sensitive and should be reviewed with the significance that it really has. The violence and terror legitimation in voice of the president of the Palestinian Chilean community could have indeed dangerous consequences. This is not another statement with incorrect or direct lies about Israel, now there could be a call to potentially legitimize the violence and the terror against jews.
The Mayor of Recoleta, Chile, Arch. Daniel Jadue was included in the Top 10 Antisemites of 2020 by the Simón Wiesenthal Center.
The president of the Palestinian Community of Chile, Maurice Khamis, reacted to the inclusion of the mayor through a letter to the Chilean media, as did Jadue himself. His arguments and the anti-Semitic
comments they produced on social networks do nothing but justify that selection.
His main argument was that our goal is to silence voices that criticize Israel. Our main criticism is his insistence on importing the Middle East conflict into Latin America.
In a television intervention, Jadue maintained that “the Simó n Wiesenthal Center has a formidable tradition of persecuting Nazism and today it is defending crimes that have nothing to envy those.”
Neither Jadue, nor Khamis, nor any of his supporters disputed the verbatim quotes from the mayor included in our report. There, Jadue alienates Chile’s Jewish citizens by accusing them of dual loyalty, a charge included in the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) Definition of Antisemitism.There is a constant movement and agenda that has like an objective to erase the
vindication between the land of Israel and the Jewish people, In this case trying to show the philistines and the canaanites like the Palestinian ancestors.
The BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement has roots in anti-Semitic boycotts that began long before Israel was even a country And in fact really long before.
Indeed, from the Romans to the Nazis to the anti-Semitic leaders of the Soviet Union and the anti semitic inquisition, just to remember some of them, the organized boycotts to the Jews have a long, long history. An official, organized boycott of the Jewish community in the area that is now Israel started as early as 1922, more than 25 years before the establishment of a Jewish state in 1948. An official boycott was adopted by the Arab League in December 1945, which became an official boycott against the country of Israel when it was founded three years later, with the goal of isolating the Jewish state from the international community.
Indeed, “ Palestinian Arabs were carrying out organized attacks against Jewish communities in Palestine. Systematic violence began in early 1920 with murderous assaults by groups of local Arabs against settlements in the north and by Muslim pilgrims against Jerusalem’s Jews. Again in 1921, Arab rioters attacked Jews in Jaffa and its environs. The primary agitator behind these attacks was Haj Amin al Husseini, who marshalled Arab discontent over Jewish immigration into violent riots.
In 1929, Husseini and his associates fomented a violent jihad as they called upon Muslims to “defend” their holy places from the Jews. As a result, pogroms were carried out across Palestine. Arab villagers sympathetic to Jews were often targets of murderous attacks by their Arab brethren as well. British forces were sharply criticized for not policing the territory adequately, for sympathizing with the Arabs, and for standing by and allowing havoc to be wreaked upon Jewish communities in Palestine. (Ricky Hollander, 2019) ”
The idea of boycotting cultural and academic activities sounds indeed so progressive and could be at least controversial. One gòod example was the attempt to boycott the Jerusalem orchestra
“The BDS movement calling for a boycott of Israel printed posters showing the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra’ s conductor covered in blood, ahead of a concert in Chile” ( Toi Staff, 2 0 1 8) .
Until now the BDS had been unsuccessful and there is a reason for that the hard work of many jewish leaders and organizations but mainly from the Chilean Community of Israel, in particular the hard work of President Gabriel Colodro and his secretary executive director Hernan Lopez.
“Gabriel Colod ro of the Chilean Community of Israel (CCHIL) said they are “pleased to receive the positive response of the Chilean National Comptroller declaring that boycotts against Israel are illegal in the municipal field” (the Jerusalem Post, december 8 , 2019)
Let’s start with an example from de UGEP. A statement in which they “repudiated a campaign by the General Union of Palestinian Students of Chile, which it called “anti-Semitic.” The institution denounced that the group uses Jews as a scapegoat, in the midst of the social crisis in which the country has been mired” (Wiesenthal Center, november 7, 2019) .
The public declaration established that “For several weeks, while the world has been watching with concern the serious social crisis unleashed in Chile in which hundreds of thousands of people have been protesting against the government of Sebastián Piñera, a public statement issued by the General Union of Palestinian Students of Chile (UGEP) aroused the concern of the Simon Wiesenthal Center” (Wiesenthal Center, november 7, 2019).
They remark that ” In the midst of a civil conflict, they resort to the old scapegoat,” says a statement issued by the institution, in relation to a statement by the UGEP in which they denounced the State of Israel for allegedly providing the weapons used by government forces to contain and suppress the social outbreak” (Wiesenthal Center, november 7, 2019) .
The post-Wiesenthal Center released a list of the 2020s ten worst anti-Semitic incidents that appeared first on The top list of the most famous antisemitic of the year 2020 and on the list is the rise of Chilean politician Oscar Daniel Jadue. The current mayor of Recoleta, is a member of the Communist Party and is supportive of the BDS movement. According to Cooper, Jadue, a national figure who has been mentioned as a future president, has called Jews a “subversive force” that will stab the country in the back. That there is a chance Jadue could lead Chile, which has the third-largest Jewish population on the continent, was “shocking,” said Cooper.
“We hope today’s release of the list will spur international concern and content about Jadue,” Cooper said. Some of the permanent accusation of Daniel Jadue regarding jews leaders or Chilean who live in Israel are like the following “Zionism again Every time a Chilean citizen or a citizen of our country publicly expresses an opinion contrary to the Israeli occupation or to the State terrorism that it practices against the Palestinian people, Israel’s agents scattered throughout the land appear to accuse them of being anti- Semites or promoters of terrorism to its perpetrators, trying, over and over again, to cast a veil over reality and thus hide what is obvious to the majority. ” ( Wiesenthal Center, december 3 0 , 2 0 2 0)
Pretending that terror movements are peaceful political parties, this is unfortunately very average behavior of some of the most prominent Palestinian leaders worldwide, but in Chile is clearly something that they have been even more. The current president of the Chilean palestinian community expressed that “ now, with Hamas, I absolutely support it, because Hamas is a resistance movement” may 22, 2021)
may 22, 2021)
Manuel Hasbun a former leader of the chilean palestinian community remarked “the fact that the holocaust of the Palestinians has been going on for 67 years”. There is a permanent misinformation camp and in many cases a systematics lies regarding israel behavior regarding the palestinians especially to the chilean palestinian in many cases an absolute lie like this example. Fake information is a permanent Palestinian Chilean Community Article Chilean Palestinian behavior. The continuous dynamic to present cases that didn’t happen and to invent complex situations have become a normal behavior for the Palestinians speakers.
Anti-Semitic Conspiracies Circulating among many different issues connected with jews and Israel, an example of this the ADL denouncing in Connection with Tragic Fire in Chilean Patagonia and two prominent Palestinian Chilean leaders libel jews with the responsibility of the disgrace
It was Published in New York on January 5 , 2 0 1 2 The Anti- Defamation League ( ADL) expressed outrage over the anti-Semitic conspiracy theories circulating on Chilean web sites blaming Jews and the State of Israel for “deliberately setting” the tragic fire in the environmental preserve of Torres del Paine Park in the Chilean Patagonia.
“An investigation is underway to determine the cause of the fire and an Israeli tourist was questioned by authorities. He has denied any involvement in starting the fire. Hate-filled comments have been posted on Chilean news websites linking the fires to a 19th century anti-Semitic conspiracy theory known as the “And inia Plan” . The conspiracy theory suggests Jews want to gain control of the land in the Patagonia region and are carrying out that plan by destroying the ecological preserve” (ADL, may 1, 2012)
“Fueling the latest conspiracy theories were remarks by the former Senator Eugenio Tuma, who even served as Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chilean Senate and member of the Party for Democracy, who blamed Israel for financing and sending military personnel to the Chilean Patagonia as therapy for post-traumatic stress associated with their belligerent against the Palestinians. FormervCongressman Fuad C hah in, a member of the Christian Democratic Party, posted a comment on Twitter questioning whether the alleged perpetrator was indeed a tourist and suggesting that he was sent by the State of Israel after “ killing Palestinian children” (El Mostrador, november 4, 2013).
And finally the former general secretary of the Chilean palestinian community Manuel Hasbun remarked defending a terrorist group like HAMAS the right to kill Israeli civilians.
Probably one of the most brutal examples of the no-limit violence speech in the Chilean Palestinian leadership is the following message from Palestinian Federation “Death to the Zionist”, This message generated outrage and fear.
The Simon Wiesenthal Center denounced this act of hatred that took place during a demonstration in Santiago in rejection of the recognition of Jerusalem as theIsraeli capital by the United States on December 14, 2017.
The repudiable banner demanded “death to the Zionist”. Following the decision of US President Donald Trump to order the transfer of the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and to recognize the holy city as the Israeli capital, the Palestinian Federation of Chile called for mobilization in the South American country.
The demonstration was held in front of the U.S. Embassy in Santiago, one of the flags carried by the protesters contained a reprehensible message against the Israeli people: “Death to the Zionist.”
“The Simon Wiesenthal Center repudiated this message of hate through a statement. This mantra rejects any possibility of dialogue or negotiation, leaving only one final solution for anyone sympathetic to a Jewish national home in Israel: Homicide, ” the Center noted. ” (Aurora, 2017)
Physical attack, AJC report also remarks that “Even some spaces which traditionally have been free of hate have been contaminated with antisemitic behavior,” and they stated Violence in a soccer match Not even sports are exempt from confrontation. During an amateur soccer match between Estadio Israel ita Maccabi and Club Palestino, the referee, Norman Vega, “ had to suspend the match due to the uncontrolled violence that broke out when a horde of Palestinian fans invaded the playing field. In his official report, Vega detailed how hundreds of Palestino fans threw lit cigarettes and bottles of water and shouted racist insults at the Maccabi players throughout the game” (AJC, 2018), The referee was then attacked by a Club Palestino official, who came from behind and struck him in the ribs.
He faced a rival, pulled out a Palestinian flag and smiled: “This is a real flag… I wipe my ass with yours. We’re going to kill them all” .
“ During the entire match, from the team’s bar in the Palestinian Stadium, shouts were heard against the EIM players in a rude, derogatory and racist manner. (Those fans) threw water and cigarette butts at the players of the rival team, ” says Vega’ s report, to which he had access to the ADN” ( ADN, 2023)
The palestinian leadership radical ization could be explained in the leaders behavior and actitudes Daniel Jadue is probably one of the most popular and influential leaders of the Chilean palestinian community. He served like a vice president of their umbrella organization among many other formal positions. His history is a good example of the jew hate normalization and a way to confirm the radical ization of the palestinian leadership speech in Chile. And probably also a good example of the no cost and no consequences on supporting violent organizations and even to be linked , recognized or definitely to be part of a violent terror group.
Learning about the vice president of the Chilean palestinian Federation is possible to understand the current speech of the palestinian leadership regarding terrorism. Next we will see some examples of the “ El librero”
“Daniel Jadue, “was born again” when he began to serve in the Palestinian General Union “Later I continued in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (FPLP).”
” It was in 1978, at the age of 11, that he joined the PFLP, an organization officially considered terrorist in the European Union, the United States, Canada and Israel. « On the verge of 78 or 79, in this country, we were precocious, it was an individual issue, but also a social one.”
For the lawyer and former president of the jewish community, Gabriel Zaliasnik, it’s important to emphasize that “Jadue in his youth actively participated in a group that is classified as terrorist by the European Union, which is the Front for the Liberation of Palestine and received or could have received training in Lebanon or North Africa,” he said. In this group he was general coordinator of the Palestinian youth in Latin America, among other roles.
Jadue never hide the link with the terror organization which was linked to many violent activities.
“The PFLP is even linked to the terrorist group accused of the kidnapping and murder of eleven Israeli athletes during the 1972 Munich Olympics; and other violent actions. “He was a member of an organization that did this kind of thing, and he was part of it when there were attacks,” says Gabriel
Colodro, president of the Chilean Community in Israel.”
But Jadue’s approach was clear and undoubtedly transparent
“His divorce from the PFLP occurred in 1993 when Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat signed the Oslo Accords for peace in the Near East, between the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Israel.”
“Jadue rejected the renunciation of terrorism by the PLO and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, he rejected peace, ” warns Colodro.
In another relevant and significant biographic issue it is possible to learn about Jadue’s approach to the jews in his school yearbook. His classmates wrote many examples of some of the supposed conflictive behavior of Mr Jadue.
According to Daniel Jadue’s yearbook, ” this anti-Semite was seen in all continental waters , along with the Contreras shark, since it has stood out for its brilliant triumphs, swimming in the tub of his house.”
” In his latest PLO, he sings manifestos against his beloved and esteemed neighbors the Jews and has won all the popularity rankings,” they added.
Furthermore, according to Jadue’s school yearbook, the CP’s presidential standard-bearer would in future be the head of the Public Cleansing Organization to “cleanse the city of Jews” (Eldinamo, 2021)
From young palestinian organization to amateur sport and even professional soccer, there are some current leaders of the Chilean palestinian community that express the jew hate conduct, and even for same of them the speech is so repetitive that it become “normal” to hear and read lies about Israel, disqualification about jews and zionist and even some clearly and obvious anti semitic expressions.
One of the prominent voices supported by the Chilean Palestinian community, Pablo Jofre, clearly makes the jewish Chilean community responsible for Israeli actions. He stated ” Demand a statement from the Chilean Jewish Community condemning the crimes committed by the Israeli regime against the Palestinian people”
The hate jews speech have been the key issue for this group which supposedly represent the palestinian descendent who live in Chile. Manuel Hasbun expressed “ Regarding the situation in Gaza , he stressed that it is a “true genocide” and “extermination zone”and in his view the zionist Chilean Community had been working with complicity” (Cooperativa, federación palestina y fanatismo, 2017) .
The sad truth that has been demonstrated and sustained in many different issues is that the Palestinian Chilean leadership has been moving the limits and erasing the previous red lines.
As we elaborate in the thesis ,the situation is really becoming dramatic and its seems today natural to notice the constant and permanent situations in which different Palestinian organizations in a press release or and featuring one of the leaders of several Palestine’s organizations express their views with inappropriate wards, characterizations, or even in an antisemitic manner. Usually, it appears to be just another inadequate speech, but most likely, it will be seen as something not new, relevant, or worth condemning at all.
That dangerous behavior is a wrong message to the Chilean society , it’s extremely risky for the Chilean Jews and should be an alert for all the other ethics and religious Chilean minorities, and even more than that, it could be a strong message for others minorities around the world because “what start with the jews usually don’t finish with the Jews.”
Daniel Farcas
Nicolás Ventura
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This research has been possible thanks to the committed support and essential contribution of the and Integration, and especially and . The work of this ministry is a master key that moves the gears of this synergistic action. Certainly, the notable task carried out by this Israeli institution for this work and for others that are in full development is very significant.
The commitment and work of the ” was also central, led by its
president , a Daniel Weinstein and its director ejecutivo , who committedly have been truly essential for this investigation.
Brilliant academics, such as the prominent Professor of , have enthusiastically joined this endeavor.
Esta investigació n ha sido posible gracias a l apoyo comprometido y e l aporte esencial del ,y muy en especial de y de . El trabajo de este ministerio es una llave maestra que mueve el engranaje de esta acció n siné rgica. Ciertamente es muy signif icativa la notable tarea que realiza esta institució n israel para este trabajo y para otros que estan en pleno desarrollo.
Fue tambié n central el compromiso y trabajo de la ONG “ ”, liderada por su presidente , a y s su director ejecutivo, quienes comprometidamente han sido real mente escenciales para esta investigació n
A esta iniciativa se han sumado entusiastamente brillantes académicos, como el destacado profesor de la .
The narrative of hatred and de legitimize against Jews and Israel has become sadly in many cases a significant part of the mainstream narrative of the Chilean Palestinian community. Repeatedly the Jew hated speech of some of the Palestinian local leaders could be categorized in the different ways that the IHRA established in the worldwide antisemitism definition.
Some expressions of hate, often definitely lies and frequent many inaccurate issues are in general terms present in many occasions when some of the Chilean Palestinian leaders express themselves. It should be noted that even one of the most active anti-Israeli organizations, the United Nations, has recognized the significance of the IHRA definition regarding anti-Semitism. “Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities”( IHRA).
This paper explores the increasingly unpleasant, potentially dangerous and even in some specific occasions this behavior could provoke an outcome of a risky situation. This could happen even unintentionally but the truth is that wards generate reality. That complex scenario is unfortunately and sadly a direct result of the hate Jews speech from some of the Palestinian Chilean leaders. This sad reality has become frequently more and more extreme, even in some cases violent and definitely increasingly perceived like a normal one, and even worse, it seems that sometimes, in all and each one of the anti semitic descriptions of the IHRA definition.
The UN joined this cause by acknowledging: “The Special Rapporteur recognizes that the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism can provide valuable guidance for identifying antisemitism in its various forms. It is therefore urged that States adopt it for education, awareness-raising, monitoring, and tackling antisemitism. ” ( UN, 2020)
There is a wide and deep under stable preoccupation regarding some hate speech from some of the Palestinian Chilean leaders and unfortunately this behavior has been becoming more and more “normal”. The red lines and the traditional limits and frontiers have been systematically removed and erased and today is nor a surprise at all to listen, watch or read a clear inadequate , unpleasant and in many times a clear antiemetics expression.
Abstract en español
La narrativa de odio y deslegitimació n contra los judíos e Israel se ha convertido, lamentablemente, en muchos casos, en una parte importante de la narrativa dominante de la comunidad palestina chilena Repetidamente, el discurso de odio judío de algunos de los líderes locales palestinos podr ía categorizarse en las diferentes formas que la IHRA estableció en la def inició n mundial de antisemitismo. Algunas expresiones de odio, muchas veces mentiras rotundas y f recuentes muchas inexactitudes está n presentes en té rminos generales en muchas ocasiones cuando algunos de los líderes palestinos chilenos se expresan. Cabe seña lar que incluso una de las organizaciones antiisraelíes más activas, las Naciones Unidas, ha reconocido la importancia de la def inició n de la IHRA con respecto al antisemitismo. “ El antisemitismo es una cierta percepció n de los judíos, que puede expresarse como odio hacia los judíos. Las manifestaciones retó ricas y físicas del antisemitismo está n dirigidas hacia individuos judíos o no judíos y/o sus propied ades, hacia instituciones de la comunidad judía y establecimientos religiosos” (IHRA). Este artículo explora lo cada vez más desagrada ble, potencial mente peligroso e incluso en algunas ocasiones específicas de este comportamiento. podr ía provocar e l desenlace de una situació n de riesgo. Esto puede pasar incluso sin quererlo pero la verdad es que los barrios generan realidad. Ese
escenario complejo es lamentable y tristemente resultado directo de l discurso de odio a los judíos de algunos de los líderes palestinos chilenos. Esta triste real idadha con frecuencia cada vez más extrema, incluso en algunos casos violenta y def initivamente cada vez m ás percibida como normal, y peor aú n, parece que a veces, en todas y cada una de las descripciones antisemitas de la def inición IHRA,
La ONU se unió a esta causa reconociendo: “El Relator Especial reconoce que la Definición de trabajo de antisemitismo de la IHRA puede proporcionar una guía valiosa para identif icar e l antisemitismo en sus diversas formas. Por lo tanto, se insta a los Estados a adoptarla para la educación, la concientización, el monitoreo y la combatir el antisemitismo”. (ONU, 2020) Existe una preocupació n amplia y profunda bajo estabi lidad respecto a a lg ú n d iscurso de odio de algunos de los líderes palestinos chilenos y lamentablemente este comportamiento se ha ido volviendo cada vez más “ normal” . Las líneas rojas y los límites y fronteras tradicionales han sido sistemáticamente removidos y borrados y hoy no sorprende en a bsoluto escuchar, ver o leer una expresió n claramente inadecuada, desagrada ble y en muchas ocasiones claramente antisemita
Thesis, some of the Chilean Palestinian leaders have developed an increasingly narrative of hatred against Jews and Israel . Sadly the Chilean situation regarding the Jews hate speech is becoming really dramatic, and one of the most difficult challenges to face is the increasing crossing lines by the Palestinian Chilean leadership.
Those words that a short time before were a red line “acceptable and welcome speech” indeed, those red lines have been erased by those leaders who are supposed to be responsible, reflexive and who indeed could have the possibility to make the difference. This situation has been denounced and strongly condemned by local Jewish leaders and even for international organizations.
The reality on the ground is so hard that it is becoming almost natural or not noticed when one of the different Palestinian organization make a press release or one of the leaders of the many Palestinian organizations express them self with inappropriate words, for example characterizing Jews as evil persons or when all kind of stereotypes or in other clearly in an antisemitic way. That usually is perceived as another one of numerous inadequate speeches but probably will not be taken as something significant. Sadly, that behavior becomes not relevant or even worthy of the essential thing denouncing. That is painful because history shows that the vast and dramatic Jews persecutions generally started with baby steps. When socially accepted, they turned into something more aggressive or painful.
This paper is trying to show the dramatic, perseverant, consistent, and constant hate speech of some of the Palestinian leaders in Chile. This unacceptable behavior is dramatically essential for the Jewish community. Still, it is also an apparent worry for all the Chilean minorities because “what starts with Jews never ends with only news” .
“The first record of a Palestinian that lived in Chile dates from 1884. There may have been Palestinians before that time, but they were not recorded on paper. The first Palestinians arrived with Ottoman travel documents, as Palestine was part of the Ottoman empire. They were not always welcomed. They called them Turks and that was considered an insult. These first Palestinians started with little capital. Most of them came to trade products from the Holy Land and sold from home to home. After making some
money they managed to establish themselves more. They opened shops and they specialized in the production of textiles.The first Palestinians were escaping from the hard economic situation in Palestine. They suffered from the Ottoman tax system and compulsory army service. As many Europeans went to the Americas to look for a better life, they also wanted to try their luck. And the climate in Chile was similar to what the Palestinians were used to” (Victor Toledo, The Unjustified Anti-Judaism of the Palestinians in Chile, July 25, 2014) .
The data obtained from Chile and Palestine suggests that there was only one significant immigration wave from Palestine to Chile – from the end of the nineteenth century until the First World War. This immigration was enabled by favorable global conditions such as available and reliable transportation, rather than being provoked by the exceptional hardship alleged to have occurred during those years.
Palestinian immigration was chain migration: family members followed those who had immigrated earlier. Nonetheless, these were relatively short chains, which included only a handful of links. Those who arrived from Bethlehem and Bayt-Jala tended to marry Palestinian partners. These partners probably also stemmed from the same towns. Palestinians who arrived from other places often found local partners.
There are those who argue and repeat that in Chile live the highest number of Palestinians in Latin America. The number of Palestinians in Chile is estimated at around 500.000 people and they add in order to justify their numbers that the fourth generation of Palestinians is now growing up in Chile” (BBC News, 2021) .
Michael Herlish, the professor of the university Bar Ilan explains something completely different “Agar and Saffie have already demonstrated that the number of Palestinians in Chile is far fewer than the 350, 000 suggested by Baeza, not to mention the 500, 000 indicated by less credible sources. Yet, Agar and Saffie dealt with descendants, which is merely a technical term indicating someone with at least one Arab great-grandparent. It seems very difficult to determine to what extent such people identify themselves with their Arab or Palestinian origins. Therefore, the number of those who consider themselves Chileans of Palestinian origin is lower than 50,000, but how large precisely can only be speculated” (Michal Herlish, Journal of migration History, 2019).
An important issue as Toledo Salman stated (2014), “The huge majority of the Chilean Community belong to the Christian faith”
He explained “The large majority of Palestinians in Chile are, and were, Christians from the West Bank (mainly Bethlehem and Beit-jala). Therefore, we have little and nothing in common with the Muslims of Gaza.
The Palestinian diaspora to the world (and Chile especially) was not motivated by Israeli immigration. The Jews did not kick out our great grandparents. Palestine in the year 1910 was a poor and decadent region. The 400 years of Turkish rule did nothing more than tax its population and abuse the land and vegetation until it was useless. To the Turks, Palestine was nothing more than “Southern Syria,” a land of little consequence except for the spiritual value of Jerusalem itself.
The Palestinians in Chile -almost all of them- went out into the world looking for better opportunities than those offered by the decadent Turkish empire. For this reason, they arrived in Chile as “Turks” . Pre Jewish immigration ( 1880 – 1948) and definitely long before the establishment of the state of Israel” (Victor Toledo, The Unjustified Anti- Judaism of the Palestinians in Chile, July 2 5 , 2 014)
Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor. In the same way the following expression by some of Palestinian leaders refers in this case to the Israeli ambassador in Chile “and that it seems strange to him that someone wants to represent a racist state” (Mauricio Abu Ghosh, twitter, 2022).
Mr. Mauricio Abu Ghosh, President of the Palestinian Federation, has repeatedly reiterated his denial of the right to the existence of the State of Israel. An example of this is the “retweet” he made and he says: ” sorry, but Israel has no right to exist ( . . .) ” . ( Mauricio Abu Ghosh, twitter, 5 september 2022)
Expressions of hate and many not accurate issues are the general way how some of the Chilean Palestinian leaders express themselves. Everyday we witness antisemitism speeches all around the world, especially in Chile where many hate speeches are made, another example of that occurred on the radio, being a channel that reaches thousands of people “Thousands of Palestinians who live under Israeli military occupation, maybe the most violent of the occupations that know contemporary history, of those who no longer exist” (Anuar Majluf, Bio Bio, 2017) .
The dramatic deterioration in the relationship between both communities had generated a lack of care regarding the Jewish community’s sentiments and fears. Some of the Palestinian leaders usually accuse Israel of being an apartheid state.
The vice presidents of the Palestinian Federation of Chile, Nadia Garib and Daniel Jadue, and from the president of the Palestinian Club, Gaber Zerene, who expressed their concern over what they denounced as the system of “apartheid” suffered by the Palestinian people (2019).
Among others inaccurate accusations and baseless disqualification they complain about the travel restrictions and other security decisions. Less than half of the Christians in Gaza who asked Israel for permission to visit cities like Bethlehem and Jerusalem at Christmas had received a “yes.”
The truth is Israel is making all the possible efforts in order to avoid terrorist attacks including entry restrictions. On the other hand all Israeli citizens need a special permit if they want to cross the limit and go inside the Palestine area. Why? Because many Israelis have been murdered in those places. There is no particular measure to prevent Arabs and not Jews from crossing into the Palestinian control land.
Justifying the terrorist palestinian organization and potentially putting in danger the Jewish Chilean community, the president of the Chilean palestinian community, Maurice Khamis affirmed that he “absolutely” supports Hamas. This issue is extremely sensitive and should be reviewed with the significance that it really has. The violence and terror legitimation in voice of the president of the Palestinian Chilean community could have indeed dangerous consequences. This is not another statement with incorrect or direct lies about Israel, now there could be a call to potentially legitimize the violence and the terror against jews.
The Mayor of Recoleta, Chile, Arch. Daniel Jadue was included in the Top 10 Antisemites of 2020 by the Simón Wiesenthal Center.
The president of the Palestinian Community of Chile, Maurice Khamis, reacted to the inclusion of the mayor through a letter to the Chilean media, as did Jadue himself. His arguments and the anti-Semitic
comments they produced on social networks do nothing but justify that selection.
His main argument was that our goal is to silence voices that criticize Israel. Our main criticism is his insistence on importing the Middle East conflict into Latin America.
In a television intervention, Jadue maintained that “the Simó n Wiesenthal Center has a formidable tradition of persecuting Nazism and today it is defending crimes that have nothing to envy those.”
Neither Jadue, nor Khamis, nor any of his supporters disputed the verbatim quotes from the mayor included in our report. There, Jadue alienates Chile’s Jewish citizens by accusing them of dual loyalty, a charge included in the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) Definition of Antisemitism.There is a constant movement and agenda that has like an objective to erase the
vindication between the land of Israel and the Jewish people, In this case trying to show the philistines and the canaanites like the Palestinian ancestors.
The BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement has roots in anti-Semitic boycotts that began long before Israel was even a country And in fact really long before.
Indeed, from the Romans to the Nazis to the anti-Semitic leaders of the Soviet Union and the anti semitic inquisition, just to remember some of them, the organized boycotts to the Jews have a long, long history. An official, organized boycott of the Jewish community in the area that is now Israel started as early as 1922, more than 25 years before the establishment of a Jewish state in 1948. An official boycott was adopted by the Arab League in December 1945, which became an official boycott against the country of Israel when it was founded three years later, with the goal of isolating the Jewish state from the international community.
Indeed, “ Palestinian Arabs were carrying out organized attacks against Jewish communities in Palestine. Systematic violence began in early 1920 with murderous assaults by groups of local Arabs against settlements in the north and by Muslim pilgrims against Jerusalem’s Jews. Again in 1921, Arab rioters attacked Jews in Jaffa and its environs. The primary agitator behind these attacks was Haj Amin al Husseini, who marshalled Arab discontent over Jewish immigration into violent riots.
In 1929, Husseini and his associates fomented a violent jihad as they called upon Muslims to “defend” their holy places from the Jews. As a result, pogroms were carried out across Palestine. Arab villagers sympathetic to Jews were often targets of murderous attacks by their Arab brethren as well. British forces were sharply criticized for not policing the territory adequately, for sympathizing with the Arabs, and for standing by and allowing havoc to be wreaked upon Jewish communities in Palestine. (Ricky Hollander, 2019) ”
The idea of boycotting cultural and academic activities sounds indeed so progressive and could be at least controversial. One gòod example was the attempt to boycott the Jerusalem orchestra
“The BDS movement calling for a boycott of Israel printed posters showing the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra’ s conductor covered in blood, ahead of a concert in Chile” ( Toi Staff, 2 0 1 8) .
Until now the BDS had been unsuccessful and there is a reason for that the hard work of many jewish leaders and organizations but mainly from the Chilean Community of Israel, in particular the hard work of President Gabriel Colodro and his secretary executive director Hernan Lopez.
“Gabriel Colod ro of the Chilean Community of Israel (CCHIL) said they are “pleased to receive the positive response of the Chilean National Comptroller declaring that boycotts against Israel are illegal in the municipal field” (the Jerusalem Post, december 8 , 2019)
Let’s start with an example from de UGEP. A statement in which they “repudiated a campaign by the General Union of Palestinian Students of Chile, which it called “anti-Semitic.” The institution denounced that the group uses Jews as a scapegoat, in the midst of the social crisis in which the country has been mired” (Wiesenthal Center, november 7, 2019) .
The public declaration established that “For several weeks, while the world has been watching with concern the serious social crisis unleashed in Chile in which hundreds of thousands of people have been protesting against the government of Sebastián Piñera, a public statement issued by the General Union of Palestinian Students of Chile (UGEP) aroused the concern of the Simon Wiesenthal Center” (Wiesenthal Center, november 7, 2019).
They remark that ” In the midst of a civil conflict, they resort to the old scapegoat,” says a statement issued by the institution, in relation to a statement by the UGEP in which they denounced the State of Israel for allegedly providing the weapons used by government forces to contain and suppress the social outbreak” (Wiesenthal Center, november 7, 2019) .
The post-Wiesenthal Center released a list of the 2020s ten worst anti-Semitic incidents that appeared first on The top list of the most famous antisemitic of the year 2020 and on the list is the rise of Chilean politician Oscar Daniel Jadue. The current mayor of Recoleta, is a member of the Communist Party and is supportive of the BDS movement. According to Cooper, Jadue, a national figure who has been mentioned as a future president, has called Jews a “subversive force” that will stab the country in the back. That there is a chance Jadue could lead Chile, which has the third-largest Jewish population on the continent, was “shocking,” said Cooper.
“We hope today’s release of the list will spur international concern and content about Jadue,” Cooper said. Some of the permanent accusation of Daniel Jadue regarding jews leaders or Chilean who live in Israel are like the following “Zionism again Every time a Chilean citizen or a citizen of our country publicly expresses an opinion contrary to the Israeli occupation or to the State terrorism that it practices against the Palestinian people, Israel’s agents scattered throughout the land appear to accuse them of being anti- Semites or promoters of terrorism to its perpetrators, trying, over and over again, to cast a veil over reality and thus hide what is obvious to the majority. ” ( Wiesenthal Center, december 3 0 , 2 0 2 0)
Pretending that terror movements are peaceful political parties, this is unfortunately very average behavior of some of the most prominent Palestinian leaders worldwide, but in Chile is clearly something that they have been even more. The current president of the Chilean palestinian community expressed that “ now, with Hamas, I absolutely support it, because Hamas is a resistance movement” may 22, 2021)
may 22, 2021)
Manuel Hasbun a former leader of the chilean palestinian community remarked “the fact that the holocaust of the Palestinians has been going on for 67 years”. There is a permanent misinformation camp and in many cases a systematics lies regarding israel behavior regarding the palestinians especially to the chilean palestinian in many cases an absolute lie like this example. Fake information is a permanent Palestinian Chilean Community Article Chilean Palestinian behavior. The continuous dynamic to present cases that didn’t happen and to invent complex situations have become a normal behavior for the Palestinians speakers.
Anti-Semitic Conspiracies Circulating among many different issues connected with jews and Israel, an example of this the ADL denouncing in Connection with Tragic Fire in Chilean Patagonia and two prominent Palestinian Chilean leaders libel jews with the responsibility of the disgrace
It was Published in New York on January 5 , 2 0 1 2 The Anti- Defamation League ( ADL) expressed outrage over the anti-Semitic conspiracy theories circulating on Chilean web sites blaming Jews and the State of Israel for “deliberately setting” the tragic fire in the environmental preserve of Torres del Paine Park in the Chilean Patagonia.
“An investigation is underway to determine the cause of the fire and an Israeli tourist was questioned by authorities. He has denied any involvement in starting the fire. Hate-filled comments have been posted on Chilean news websites linking the fires to a 19th century anti-Semitic conspiracy theory known as the “And inia Plan” . The conspiracy theory suggests Jews want to gain control of the land in the Patagonia region and are carrying out that plan by destroying the ecological preserve” (ADL, may 1, 2012)
“Fueling the latest conspiracy theories were remarks by the former Senator Eugenio Tuma, who even served as Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chilean Senate and member of the Party for Democracy, who blamed Israel for financing and sending military personnel to the Chilean Patagonia as therapy for post-traumatic stress associated with their belligerent against the Palestinians. FormervCongressman Fuad C hah in, a member of the Christian Democratic Party, posted a comment on Twitter questioning whether the alleged perpetrator was indeed a tourist and suggesting that he was sent by the State of Israel after “ killing Palestinian children” (El Mostrador, november 4, 2013).
And finally the former general secretary of the Chilean palestinian community Manuel Hasbun remarked defending a terrorist group like HAMAS the right to kill Israeli civilians.
Probably one of the most brutal examples of the no-limit violence speech in the Chilean Palestinian leadership is the following message from Palestinian Federation “Death to the Zionist”, This message generated outrage and fear.
The Simon Wiesenthal Center denounced this act of hatred that took place during a demonstration in Santiago in rejection of the recognition of Jerusalem as theIsraeli capital by the United States on December 14, 2017.
The repudiable banner demanded “death to the Zionist”. Following the decision of US President Donald Trump to order the transfer of the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and to recognize the holy city as the Israeli capital, the Palestinian Federation of Chile called for mobilization in the South American country.
The demonstration was held in front of the U.S. Embassy in Santiago, one of the flags carried by the protesters contained a reprehensible message against the Israeli people: “Death to the Zionist.”
“The Simon Wiesenthal Center repudiated this message of hate through a statement. This mantra rejects any possibility of dialogue or negotiation, leaving only one final solution for anyone sympathetic to a Jewish national home in Israel: Homicide, ” the Center noted. ” (Aurora, 2017)
Physical attack, AJC report also remarks that “Even some spaces which traditionally have been free of hate have been contaminated with antisemitic behavior,” and they stated Violence in a soccer match Not even sports are exempt from confrontation. During an amateur soccer match between Estadio Israel ita Maccabi and Club Palestino, the referee, Norman Vega, “ had to suspend the match due to the uncontrolled violence that broke out when a horde of Palestinian fans invaded the playing field. In his official report, Vega detailed how hundreds of Palestino fans threw lit cigarettes and bottles of water and shouted racist insults at the Maccabi players throughout the game” (AJC, 2018), The referee was then attacked by a Club Palestino official, who came from behind and struck him in the ribs.
He faced a rival, pulled out a Palestinian flag and smiled: “This is a real flag… I wipe my ass with yours. We’re going to kill them all” .
“ During the entire match, from the team’s bar in the Palestinian Stadium, shouts were heard against the EIM players in a rude, derogatory and racist manner. (Those fans) threw water and cigarette butts at the players of the rival team, ” says Vega’ s report, to which he had access to the ADN” ( ADN, 2023)
The palestinian leadership radical ization could be explained in the leaders behavior and actitudes Daniel Jadue is probably one of the most popular and influential leaders of the Chilean palestinian community. He served like a vice president of their umbrella organization among many other formal positions. His history is a good example of the jew hate normalization and a way to confirm the radical ization of the palestinian leadership speech in Chile. And probably also a good example of the no cost and no consequences on supporting violent organizations and even to be linked , recognized or definitely to be part of a violent terror group.
Learning about the vice president of the Chilean palestinian Federation is possible to understand the current speech of the palestinian leadership regarding terrorism. Next we will see some examples of the “ El librero”
“Daniel Jadue, “was born again” when he began to serve in the Palestinian General Union “Later I continued in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (FPLP).”
” It was in 1978, at the age of 11, that he joined the PFLP, an organization officially considered terrorist in the European Union, the United States, Canada and Israel. « On the verge of 78 or 79, in this country, we were precocious, it was an individual issue, but also a social one.”
For the lawyer and former president of the jewish community, Gabriel Zaliasnik, it’s important to emphasize that “Jadue in his youth actively participated in a group that is classified as terrorist by the European Union, which is the Front for the Liberation of Palestine and received or could have received training in Lebanon or North Africa,” he said. In this group he was general coordinator of the Palestinian youth in Latin America, among other roles.
Jadue never hide the link with the terror organization which was linked to many violent activities.
“The PFLP is even linked to the terrorist group accused of the kidnapping and murder of eleven Israeli athletes during the 1972 Munich Olympics; and other violent actions. “He was a member of an organization that did this kind of thing, and he was part of it when there were attacks,” says Gabriel
Colodro, president of the Chilean Community in Israel.”
But Jadue’s approach was clear and undoubtedly transparent
“His divorce from the PFLP occurred in 1993 when Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat signed the Oslo Accords for peace in the Near East, between the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Israel.”
“Jadue rejected the renunciation of terrorism by the PLO and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, he rejected peace, ” warns Colodro.
In another relevant and significant biographic issue it is possible to learn about Jadue’s approach to the jews in his school yearbook. His classmates wrote many examples of some of the supposed conflictive behavior of Mr Jadue.
According to Daniel Jadue’s yearbook, ” this anti-Semite was seen in all continental waters , along with the Contreras shark, since it has stood out for its brilliant triumphs, swimming in the tub of his house.”
” In his latest PLO, he sings manifestos against his beloved and esteemed neighbors the Jews and has won all the popularity rankings,” they added.
Furthermore, according to Jadue’s school yearbook, the CP’s presidential standard-bearer would in future be the head of the Public Cleansing Organization to “cleanse the city of Jews” (Eldinamo, 2021)
From young palestinian organization to amateur sport and even professional soccer, there are some current leaders of the Chilean palestinian community that express the jew hate conduct, and even for same of them the speech is so repetitive that it become “normal” to hear and read lies about Israel, disqualification about jews and zionist and even some clearly and obvious anti semitic expressions.
One of the prominent voices supported by the Chilean Palestinian community, Pablo Jofre, clearly makes the jewish Chilean community responsible for Israeli actions. He stated ” Demand a statement from the Chilean Jewish Community condemning the crimes committed by the Israeli regime against the Palestinian people”
The hate jews speech have been the key issue for this group which supposedly represent the palestinian descendent who live in Chile. Manuel Hasbun expressed “ Regarding the situation in Gaza , he stressed that it is a “true genocide” and “extermination zone”and in his view the zionist Chilean Community had been working with complicity” (Cooperativa, federación palestina y fanatismo, 2017) .
The sad truth that has been demonstrated and sustained in many different issues is that the Palestinian Chilean leadership has been moving the limits and erasing the previous red lines.
As we elaborate in the thesis ,the situation is really becoming dramatic and its seems today natural to notice the constant and permanent situations in which different Palestinian organizations in a press release or and featuring one of the leaders of several Palestine’s organizations express their views with inappropriate wards, characterizations, or even in an antisemitic manner. Usually, it appears to be just another inadequate speech, but most likely, it will be seen as something not new, relevant, or worth condemning at all.
That dangerous behavior is a wrong message to the Chilean society , it’s extremely risky for the Chilean Jews and should be an alert for all the other ethics and religious Chilean minorities, and even more than that, it could be a strong message for others minorities around the world because “what start with the jews usually don’t finish with the Jews.”
Daniel Farcas
Nicolás Ventura
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